About me

My Musical Journey

I am currently the 4th and 5th grade Band Director at Highland Elementary and A.J. Schmidt Elementary at Lake Shore Central Schools. I am also working towards my Master's in Music Education at Ithaca College, which I will graduate from this August.

I grew up in the Lancaster School District. I played clarinet, bass clarinet, tenor saxophone, and bassoon in diverse ensembles from the Symphonic Band, to the Marching Legends, Jazz Ensemble, and the Pit Orchestra. I also sang in the Concert Choir. In some of these ensembles, I was also serving in executive board positions, and helping to organize events behind the scenes. It was through this district, and my experiences since then that I was shaped into a music educator.

In May 2022, I completed Bachelor's in Music Education with concentrations in Band and Music in Special Education, as well as a Bassoon Performance Certificate at the Crane School of Music at SUNY Potsdam. In my time at Crane, I was an active member in NAfME, NYSBDA, and the Crane Student Association (student government), among others. Similarly to high school, I served on many of these executive boards, and in addition, attended numerous state and national professional development conferences.

In addition to traditional environments of learning, I also spent the summer of 2019 as the Assistant Drum Major for the Jersey Surf World Class Drum and Bugle Corps. I also teach as a Visual Technician and Drum Major Instructor for the Lancaster High School Marching Legends, a position which I have held since 2019.


CV 12024.pdf

Current Resume

Letters of Recommendation

Evonne Michel Letter of Rec.docx.pdf

Mrs. Evonne Michel

7/8 Band Director, Heim Middle School

VJohn Recommendation.pdf

Mrs. Veronica John

K-6 General Music and Chorus, Buffalo Public School #67 - Discovery School

Lake Recommendation.pdf

Dr. William Lake Jr.

George Mason University

Director of Bands

(Former Assistant Director of Bands at the Crane School of Music)

Struzik Recommendation.pdf

Mr. Michael Struzik

Crane School of Music Buffalo/Rochester Student Teaching Supervisor